Why Expats Struggle With Mental Health In The Netherlands? What Can They Do About It?

 Undeniably, the idea of living in the Netherlands is quite appealing. Progressive culture, well-managed work-life balance, and twisting bike paths attract everyone and make the Netherlands a most acceptable place to live. But, life isn't the same for everyone as spending life in the Netherland as an expat is like putting yourself in dire straits. No denial; living in a new country is a thrilling experience, but it can harm mental health. Generally, expats experience several mental health issues, including stress, anxiety, panic disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), etc in a new environment.

Starting your life in a new place and a completely different culture is exceptionally grueling. Usually, expats spend their initial weeks buying grocery products and bikes for a ride. Also, they try to understand the Dutch culture because they want to become a part of it.

It is normal to feel home-sickness, but the great thing about the Netherlands is that you get a chance to explore something new, innovative, and enjoyable. You can go to the supermarket and can enjoy a variety of lip-smacking food. You need some time to be a part of a new culture.

Is There Any Darker Side to Being an Expat in the Netherlands?

Don’t you think starting a new life (as an expat) in the Netherlands is alluring and stress-free? Everything seems excellent and comfortable, but sadly there is the other side of the picture as well. Most researchers confirmed the expats face more mental health problems than natives of the country or people who never moved abroad. In fact, more than 90% of the expats feel alone and isolated in other countries, and it is utterly distressing.

We are not adding salt to the wounds, but in a research study by Aetna International, around 95% of the expatriates aren’t concerned about mental health while relocating to other countries. Only 5% to 6% of the expats pay little to their mental health before leaving for any other country.

In fact, new location, new people, new language, and new culture make more than 50% of the expats nervous, anxious, and depressed. Sadly, the health care system of the Netherland is quite confusing for expats and foreigners. They need to take multiple appointments before the final approval. They also require referrals and insurance inclusions before the final check-up.

However, we are saving your valuable time and effort as the current discussion highlights some mental health problems with expats in Netherland and how to deal with them.

Main Health Problems Faced by Expats

Generally, expats experience depression and panic disorders after settling in the Netherland. There are endless new changes that make them panicky and apprehensive.

Indeed, it becomes hard to start a new life in a new country without friends and family members. That's why; expats experience some significant mental health issues due to loneliness and depression. Nevertheless, it is always suggested to choose professional mental health care in the Netherland and share your problems with the experts only as the unprofessional can deal with you harshly.

Here is the list of some common health issues being experienced by expats.

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Culture shock (due to change in norms and trends)
  • Language obstructions
  • Homesickness/Loneliness
  • The stress of adjusting to a new environment
  • Idealistic expectations
  • Loss of identity
  • Already existed mental health problems
  • Dependency

Is There Anything Expats Can Do To Feel Better?

No denial; surviving in a completely new place isn't a joke, especially when you have to stay in a new environment for several years. That’s why; it is somewhat necessary to establish a strong social circle no matter if you are an introvert. You will have to change yourself according to your surroundings.

There are a lot of opportunities for expats to increase or broaden their social circle. For example, they can join multiple social websites, including Facebook, for this purpose. Moreover, you can join different Facebook groups that can help you in making new friends in the Netherlands. Definitely, it takes time but building up your social circle is imperative for your good mental health. You can't manage everything alone.

Take Mental Health seriously and spend Stress-free life in the Netherlands

Firstly, it is essential to take your mental health seriously. You need to identify your pre-existed and newly developed mental-health issues after moving to the Netherlands. Additionally, it is suggested to change your lifestyle, and spending alone time never cures depression.

Try to stay active; you can walk in a park to feel relaxed and fresh. Manage a proper schedule and implement it earnestly. We suggest you hang out with new people and try to understand their culture. Eat healthy food and stay motivated. Try to find out the key purpose of moving to the Netherlands and follow your goals appropriately.

Undoubtedly, you will start feeling better after some time.

Source Link: https://guestnode.com/post/3658-why+expats+struggle+with+mental+health+in+the+netherlands%3F+what+can+they+do+about+it%3F


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