5 Drug-Free Ways to Battle Anxiety Phobias and Panic Disorders

 Managing your work life, family, health routine, and financial problems is not a simple task. In fact, this messy and chaotic life has made everyone apprehensive and anxious. That's why; Anxiety, phobias and panic disorders are quite common these days.

Generally, people developed anxiety in their childhood life (due to undesired experiences), or sometimes it develops later in life due to unfavourable circumstances.

No matter if you are an anxious person from your childhood or your practical life has made you like this, it is possible to treat depression/anxiety and have a stress-free life.

Don’t worry; you aren’t the alone fighter here as it’s a common issue these days. According to the recent research study by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety is a noteworthy mental health problem in the United States. It has affected more than 40 million adults in the state.

Therefore, it is somewhat imperative to take this problem seriously and find a possible solution in the first place. Usually, people take medication to feel relaxed and less anxious. However, you should know that antianxiety drugs can make you feel calm and serene, but they have some significant side effects as well. For instance, insomnia, jumpiness and rapid decline in libido is normal after taking antianxiety drugs.

Gladly, popping pills isn’t the only way to keep depression and anxiety at bay. We are unveiling some effective and practical ways to keep your nerves under control.

  • Scream Out

‘Express it or embrace it’

There is a great saying that 'What can’t be cured must be endured’. But luckily, you can easily cure panic disorders and phobias. Indeed, talking to your best friend is the best way to feel better after a sudden wave of sadness and depression. But we have identified something better than talking, i.e. screaming at the top of your lungs. Usually, parents teach their kids not to shout, but you can try to bottle up your anxiety and frustration as an adult.

We don't want you to scream in front of everyone as it can create an unhealthy environment for you or everyone who lives with you. So, choose the most suitable environment and express your emotions afterwards. You can scream at the top of your lungs, punch a pillow, clump your feet, or strike your chest. Do whatever you want to do without hurting yourself.

No denial, all these methods mentioned above are somewhat unconventional, but they are worth trying.

  • Get Involved in Healthy Physical Activities

Undoubtedly, exercise is the best way to keep your body in good condition and it strengthens your mind. Sadly, stressed and anxious people avoid it due to the fear of post-exercise soreness. But factually, exercise is the natural and ideal solution to treat all type of mental illnesses.

Healthy physical activities improve serotonin and endorphins levels in your body and make you feel better. With good mental health, you can enjoy everything to its fullest.

That's why; it is recommended to take out 30 to 45 minutes for regular exercise or walk. Also, don't worry about soreness and pain as they get better with time. You can join a gym for this purpose or try some favourite yoga poses for better results.

What about music? Dance to your beloved songs and feel better.

  • Avoid Caffeine

A cup of coffee, dark chocolate and coke boosts up your mood. But if you are badly addicted to caffeine, then it can worsen your anxiety attacks. Indeed, caffeine gives a jolt to your nervous system and augments your energy level. Nevertheless, if you are a stressed person, then it can disturb your nervous system badly.

We understand it's distressing to quit caffeine (if it means the world to you), but you can consume it moderately. For instance, instead of 4 cups of coffee, you can take 2 cups a day. Moreover, try to substitute coffee with water or herbal tea. Clearly, it is hard to prefer herbal tea to coffee, but it has endless health benefits for you. So, develop this habit slowly and feel a considerable improvement in your mental and physical health.

  • Manage Your Sleeping Schedule

Are you a night owl? Do you sleep at irregular hours? If yes, then there is nothing to brag about. An unhealthy sleeping schedule can make you stressed and anxious by reducing your work productivity.

That's why; you need to schedule a proper bedtime routine. You can read a book or try a relaxing activity before bedtime. It can make you sleep quicker and better. Try to rest & sleep for 6 to 8 hours as it is necessary for an active and healthy mind.

  • It’s Okay Not To Be Okay

It is absolutely fine if you start feeling sad or anxious for no valid reason. There is nothing wrong with cancelling last minute plan because you don't like a social gathering. It’s okay if you don’t feel okay because you need to understand all such emotions properly.

Spend a Healthy and Stress-Free Life

Gladly, you can treat unusual mood swings, phobias, panic disorders and anxiety attacks by trying the tips mentioned above. Besides, it is suggested to choose the professional mental health care clinic for the best therapies and treatments. This way, you can feel better in less time.

Source link: https://pharmahub.org/members/5002/blog/2021/04/5-drug-free-ways-to-battle-anxiety-phobias-and-panic-disorders


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