Does Obesity Affect the Risk of Sleep Problems and Disorders?

 When you don’t get enough sleep, it does much more than make you tired. Sadly, it leads to several other medical conditions, including weight-related issues. Also, being overweight or obese has great connectivity with Sleep problems and Disorders.

Here’s how obesity affects your sleep;

·        It causes sleep apnea, in which a person can’t sleep properly due to disturbed breathing.

·        Insomnia makes it challenging for a person to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep. It keeps a person awake the whole night.

·        Restless Leg Syndrome, a person moves his legs unnecessarily when he lies down on the bed.

It is quite ambiguous whether sleep disorder causes obesity or excessive weight gain makes it challenging for a person to get sound sleep, particularly at night.

However, most research studies have confirmed that weight loss has a considerable association with sound sleep. Your disturbed sleeping schedule starts getting better when you reduce excess weight. Additionally, it improves your overall wellbeing considerably.

How Sleep Disorders Increase Your Weight?

Not getting enough sleep increases your weight in different ways;

·        Changes Appetite

Two hormones in the human body are responsible for controlling appetite. Leptin gives signals to your body that you don’t need to consume more food. Ghrelin tells your brain that you are hungry and you need to eat something. Like other hormones, these hormones are closely associated with the sleep cycle (aka circadian cycle).

Latin level decreases drastically when you don't get the required sleep at night. Resultantly, your brain gets the wrong signals that you are hungry even when you are not. Moreover, Ghrelin level goes up, and you start consuming more food.

No surprise, eating more food than the desired level increases fat and calories, and you start gaining weight within a few days.

Pro Tip: Don't keep junk food in your house if you have a disturbed sleeping schedule. Try to eat healthy snacks and nuts when you feel hungry. Also, drink water to see if it satisfies your hunger need or not. Before you start consuming more snacks, ask yourself do you need them or not.

If you are not getting enough sleep and an irregular sleeping schedule has disturbed your sleeping schedule, then you must take the problem seriously. See a doctor and discuss the entire matter with him.

·        Less Physical Activities

It is pretty obvious that not sleeping at night makes you feel tired the next morning. You don't want to participate in any physical activity, and it affects your productivity at the workplace too.

Try to fix your sleeping schedule and join the gym afterwards.

Getting a Good Night Sleep is Essential for a Healthy Life

Surely, obesity makes it harder for a person to sleep peacefully at night. Therefore, it is recommended to control your weight and see a specialist to fix your sleeping problems.


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